European Philosophy of Language and Mind Network
CeLLi is a member of PLM, a European network of philosophy centers/departments devoted to the Philosophy of Language and Mind:
PLM was founded in 2010 with the aim of furthering philosophy of mind and language (broadly construed) in Europe. It organizes three kinds of events, each occurring biennially, hosted in turn by the different centers:
1. Masterclasses, which are an opportunity for graduate and postdoctoral students to discuss their work with a leading expert in the field. Previous masters include Dan Sperber, David Chalmers, Angelika Kratzer, François Recanati, Elisabeth Pacherie, and Tim Williamson, whose masterclass was hosted by CeLL.
2. Workshops, which are themed events involving speakers mostly from the various centres. Past themes include: Meaning and Intention, Subjectivity in thought and language, Indexicality in Language and Thought, and Mental Phenomena: Philosophy of Linguistics, which was organized by CeLL.
3. Conferences, which include both keynote speakers and submitted papers, some of which are selected for a special issue of The Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
Please consult the PLM website for upcoming events or email Corine Besson for any inquiries.