Apply to be a visiting fellow
The Institute of Philosophy accepts applications for the position of Visiting Fellow. Currently the Institute runs two types of fellowship:
Collaborative Visiting Fellowships
The call for applications for Collaborative Visiting Fellowships in the academic year 2024/25 has now closed. We will be announcing the call for the 25/26 scheme in the summer of 2025.
The Collaborative Visiting Fellowship scheme is available to applicants who hold an academic position in a non-UK institution for the purpose of supporting philosophical research in the UK. Collaborative visiting positions come with a stipend of £1000/month, for up to two months, reimbursable against travel and accommodation costs during the course of the fellowship. While a fellow in the IP, applicants would be expected to contribute to the intellectual environment of the Institute and work in collaboration with philosophers based in the UK.
Collaborative Fellowships are open to applicants from non-UK institutions. The deadline for submission of applications for collaborative fellowships for 2024/25 has now passed.
Non-stipendiary Fellowships
Non-stipendiary Fellows are visitors to the Institute from the UK or overseas who spend a significant period of time at the Institute (usually between 3 and 6 months) on their own research. It is also possible for visitors to come for shorter periods, or ask for an extension after 6 months (after review). Visiting Fellows are provided with office space, access to computing and printing facilities, and library access. Fellows are expected to make a contribution to the Institute's programme of events during their stay. Fellows are usually members of other academic departments or postdoctoral researchers. Doctoral students interested in working in close collaboration with one of the Centres based at the IP can also apply.
Non-stipendiary fellowships can be applied for all year round, allowing at least two months before the start date of the intended visit.
Application procedure for Visiting Fellowships
Applications should consist of:
(i) a cover letter, which outlines the proposed duration and timing of your stay and a plan for collaborative activities that justifies holding the fellowship at the IP (e.g. giving talks across the UK; organising workshops / conferences with the IP and other UK departments; supervising postgraduate students; contributing to impact activities; participating in an existing research project based in the UK; preparing an application involving UK-philosophy departments).
(ii) a short curriculum vitae (no more than 3 pages).
(iii) names, positions, organisations and email addresses for two referees, preferentially one UK-based.
Applications should be sent via email to
Please use the subject line ‘Collaborative/Non-Stipendiary (delete as appropriate) Fellowship application – [NAME]’
Applicants can apply for both collaborative and the non-stipendiary fellowships within the same application. Please indicate which scheme are applying for and whether you'd like to be considered for both schemes in your cover letter.
Applications are currently being accepted for Non-Stipendiary and Collaborative Fellowships
Funded SAS Fellowships
The School of Advanced Study has its own funded fellowship scheme for distinguished senior visitors with an interest in the activities of more than one Institute of the School.
The School's fellowship scheme is administered by the School and not by the IP. In addition, the School offers fellowships for faculty members from the Colleges of the University to be released from teaching to come and pursue research at the School.